Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sing, or I'll dock you two week's pay!

So, I don't do a lot of community theatre. Competition is super tough at Acting Up and I've only gotten into 2 shows. (Hey, I got lines this last show. Yes, 2 people dropped for me to do them, BUT I HAD LINES.) But I have homeschooled friends who get into AU and we have a silly ol' time.

My best guy friend ever, though-let's call him Mister Music Man, shall we?-really doesn't like Acting Up all that much. He doesn't get to talk to me when I spend all my evenings rehearsing, and the whole organization just doesn't make him happy. Let's give him a catchphrase-"At Loveland Stage..."

Here we go. Okay, I'll audition. (I made one certain blue-eyed boy very happy)


Alright, butforrealz. So I auditioned. Got in late, felt like throwing up, had NOT experienced an audition like that before. So now we all had to wait for the cast list to come out. When it did, I saw that I was in the ensemble again. Oh, yeah, did I mention I was also missing the first 3 weeks of rehearsal? Tally-ho!

So I finished HONK! and came back from camp and walked into rehearsal one day. Was told soon after my appearance-"Wow, and I thought MY hair was long!"

(Um. Can you wrap yours around your neck?)

I soon found out several things about Loveland Stage-

1-The cast was remarkably accepting.I'm a dork, dorks appreciate acceptance.

2-They were also hilarious.

3-If you go onstage with gum in your mouth, the dance director will burn you in a pot of boiling oil. (Not really. But she will single you out and make you get rid of it.)

4-It's a lot less low-key than Acting Up.

So we rehearsed. I actually spent a bit as the dog trainer when the actual dog trainer was on vacation. Learned songs. Learned dances. Got closer to show time.

Please don't ask me to compare LSC to AU, though. Yike.

Anyhoo. We finally hit upon tech week (a.k.a let's lose 5 pounds week) and by that time I was finding out more.

1-You're a friend of Mister Music Man, I'm okay to talk to.

2-I still had glitter in my jazz shoes from HONK!

3-Circque de Paris-freestyle dancing, THAAAAANK YOU.

4-NEVER. Just never. Say Macbeth backstage.

5-If you put noodles or tampons in puppets that teenage guys will be using, it's just plain YES. If they find out onstage and manage to keep acting? Um, yeah, we were cackling backstage.

6-Don't let your fellow thespians clip you on the shoulder with their hands. (Just don't.)

7-If you're about to come back offstage after a serious song, KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN AND DON'T LOOK INTO THE WINGS.

8-Don't toss Sean's script around. He's bigger than you, most likely.

9-If he looks like a pedophile and asks you to his white van, ask if there will be candy. Wait.....

10-Find a bathrobe. DO IT.

11-Get a tattoo. We're Carnival freaks, after all, and YOLO. :P

12-Traffic behind the backdrop is a 1/2 lane street.

(By the way, don't burn yourself on the fog machine, loves. IT HURTS TO BURN YOURSELF.)

(Hey, was that stage kiss real....?)