Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Thespian's Alphabet-D

The Thespian's Alphabet-D

D is for darkness.

I know, right? But darkness is an unfortunate part of theatre. And if you're getting any funny thoughts, wipe 'em outta your head. I'm talking about getting on and off stage, sometimes in heels, and trying not to trample on someone(the plagues of being tall) in COMPLETE AND TOTAL DARKNESS. You cannot see. The lights go right off and suddenly, in contrast to your bright lights showing your fellow actors and actresses, you are bathed in darkness. You cannot see a thing. REALLY. And you need to get off that stage, because baby, you're not supposed to be onstage! YOU, my dear friend, are supposed to be backstage with your besties and your leading man getting ready for scene 8 or something. Bleah.

'Tis not an easy feat.

The show must go on.

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